You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
— Eleanor Roosevelt

Learn to lead with
compassion, justice, and power! 

When leaders let us down... When ideologies of hate arise.  When climate change denial is mocked by disasters while deniers ignore science in favor of personal gain - When our own government threatens to deport thousands of innocent Dreamers while building yet another wall of separation... When, worst of all, moral leaders fail to speak up, face up, and step up to fight these injustices...  it's time for new leaders to take their place.

That's why we want you at our three day Leadership Summit where we will challenge your theological limits and teach proven skills to help you STEP UP to your next level of leadership.


  • OMNIA will teach you to become a more powerful leader!

  • You will join others from many walks of life, including religion, politics, business, an education... in a spirited atmosphere of shared learning and dialogue.

  • Seasoned leaders with special expertise to help us tackle everything from discovering your hidden assets to organizing people and money. Our past trainers include:

Our Leadership Trainers

Dr. Afri Atiba
Dr. Afri Atiba teaches Ethics, Philosophy and World Religions at Triton College in River Grove,
Illinois. Her expertise in critical biblical interpretation for liberation and justice in the African
American community.

Kristiana Colón
Kristiana Colón is a poet, playwright, actor, educator, and co-founder of the #LetUsBreathe Collective. She was awarded 2017 Best Black Playwright by The Black Mall. Her plays have premiered in Chicago, New York, London, and other cities. Colón is the author of several plays and poems. She earned the 2013 Drinking Gourd Poetry Prize. Her play, Octagon, won Colón the Arizona Theatre Company 2014 National Latino Playwriting Award. Kristiana’s writing, producing, and organizing work to radically reimagine power structures, our complicity in them, and visions for liberation.

Ms. Soraya Deen
Ms. Soraya Deen is an attorney, who blends her legal expertise of over a decade with her
uniquely diverse background to inspire people to navigate conflict and promote peace. She is
also the founder of Peaceworks a center for compassionate communication, conflict resolution
and peacemaking.

Ms. Mary Gonzales
Ms. Mary Gonzales is a professional community organizer for the past 35 years.  She co-founded
Gamaliel, an international network of community organizations in the United States, South Africa and
Great Britain and served as one of Gamaliel’s primary trainers.  She also founded NTOSAKE, a
leadership training program designed for women within the Gamaliel network.

Dr. Jeannine Hill-Fletcher
Dr. Jeannine Hill-Fletcher is professor of theology at Fordham University in New York City. A
constructive theologian, her research is at the intersection of systematic theology and issues of
diversity (including gender, race, and religious diversity). Her books include Monopoly on
Salvation? (Bloomsbury Academic), and Motherhood as Metaphor (Fordham University Press)
and most recently, The Sin of White Supremacy (Orbis Books, 2017).

Mr Vince Isner
Mr. Vince Isner is the Chief Communications Officer at OMNIA Institute. The founding Director
of FaithfulAmerica at the National Council of Churches, USA, he organized national interfaith
advocacy campaigns to address issues of peace, poverty, and planet earth. He is an award-
winning documentary and studio photographer.  

Dr. Débora Junker
Dr. Débora Junker is professor of Christian Education, and director of Hispanic-Latin- x Center
at the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. The founder and director of Cátedra Paulo
Freire, she is an expert in Freirian critical pedagogy.

Ms. Tereza Lee
Ms. Tereza Lee is the original DREAMer. As a student at Chicago’s Merit School of Music at 16
she performed Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
When college applications required her to disclose her immigrant status she turned to senator
Dick Durbin, who wrote a bill just for her. Other DREAMers joined in the struggle, leading
Tereza to become a powerful organizer. She lives and teaches piano in New York City.

Dr. Shanta Premawardhana
Dr. Shanta Premawardhana is the president of OMNIA Institute and a global leader in
interreligious dialogue and cooperation for justice and peace. He served as the director for
interreligious dialogue and cooperation at the World Council of Churches in Geneva,
Switzerland, and as the Associate General Secretary for Interfaith Relations at the National
Council of Churches now based in Washington, DC. He has published books and articles on
interreligious dialogue and Christian theology.

Mr. Mark Walsh
Mr. Mark Walsh is the campaign director for the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, the
oldest state organization working on gun violence prevention in the country. Walsh has been
with ICHV for 8 years and working on the issue full-time for the past 10 years.  He has long
organized on political and social justice issues as well as working for various elected officials on
the state and local level.

Damon Williams
Damon Williams is the co-chair of Black Youth Project 100’s Chicago chapter and co-founder and co-director of the Let Us Breathe Collective, an alliance of artists and activists organizing through a creative lens to imagine a world without prisons and police. The Collective produces cultural events and direct actions that disrupt oppressive systems, amplify marginalized voices, and serve people and communities most directly harmed by mass incarceration, police violence, and systemic injustice.