Where the mind is challenged...
Where the spirit is refreshed...
Where ancient traditions and remnants of a colonial past still whisper their secrets...
Where religious and cultural treasures of the ages are close enough to touch.
The place is Sri Lanka. A tropical island nation full of ancient shrines, traditions, religions, and cultural wonders. From its Indian Ocean stilt fishermen to its mountainous tea plantations, from its exotic cuisine to its cavernous temples, Sri Lanka is feast for the senses.
Join OMNIA for this once-in-a-lifetime Immersion Journey and explore how Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism co-exist.
- Meet with Venerable Buddhist Monks, Muslim and Christian leaders
- Visit centuries-old temples in painted caves.
- Taste its famous Ceylon tea at a working tea plantation.
- See a parade of magnificently adorned elephants in a glittering nighttime street parade.
You simply cannot miss this opportunity to experience life through all the senses while deepening your understanding of world religions, history, and culture. Reserve your place EARLY for this intimate immersion into one of the world's most exotic places on earth. April 28 - May 6, 2018.